Maite Bernardelle has been trained directly with Rolando Toro! She is a specialist in Contacts and Caresses, we want to share with her students her wealth and sweet presence, we are happy to count on you Maite!

“Biodanza continues to sprout as a source of life, carrying its essential message that fills the soul with joy and courage, allowing our true and wonderful self to emerge and discover in the other its luminous part!” Maite Bernardelle

  • Director of the Hispanic School of Biodanza in Madrid.
  • Didact of the Biodanza System, Minotaur Project, Identity and The Four Elements. Coordinates seminars on scientific and experiential foundations of the Biodanza system.
  • Creator of the extensions: “Biodance in Massage” and “Biodance and Body Reading” and the Application “Rehabilitation of Sexuality – Biodance in Sensual Massage”.
  • Creator of the Vivencial ® and Vivencial ® Contact Method – Human Integration Process, methods recognized and authorized by the I.B.F.